Top 9 unique and useful websites (will change your way of life)

The internet is a vast and complicated but wonderful place. Chances are there’s a lot of it you still haven’t discovered. Feel free to email me if you know more.


1. Ninite

Ninite helps to install and update all your programs at once. No toolbars. no clicking next. Just pick your apps and go. You don’t have to watch for updates. Bots do that.



2. MIT Open Course Online

Massachusetts Institute of Technology courses for free. One of the best site for the students to learn with different varieties of courses.


3. LibroVox

This is also a unique and useful site which you can use to download and listen public domain audiobooks for free read by volunteers all around the world.



4. The Scale of Universe

One of the cool and awesome site to use (with information on click).



5. StudyBlue

Create flash cards to study. With different types of courses around the world.



6. The World Data Counter

Ever Wonder Exactly How Big the Internet Is? Or How Much Data is being Transferred at any Time? This Website Will Help You.



7. Stolen Camera Finder

Use Photo EXIF Data to Find Your Stolen Camera.



8. RunPee

Find Out the Best Time During a Movie to Run and Pee.



9. Down For Everyone or Just Me

Know if the website is down for just you or everyone else.


Download Research Papers and Scientific Articles, Books for free (Sci-Hub links updated May 13, 2019)

I know there are many of you who hadn’t heard of unique and awesome websites like sci-hub before and astounded that you could get academic papers, books and lots more for free(sci-hub, for example). So I thought this might be very helpful.

There are several websites besides sci-hub that you can use to download journal articles, research papers, pdf books, etc for free. You can email me if you know of any more.


Unpaywall is a website built by Impactstory, a nonprofit working to make science more open and reusable online. They are supported by grants from the National Science Foundation and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. What they do is gather all the articles they can from all the open-access repositories on the internet. These are papers that have been provided by the authors or publishers for free, and thus Unpaywall is completely legal. They say they have about 50-85% of all scientific articles available in their archive. Works with Chrome or Firefox.

Open Access Button 

The Open Access Button does something very similar to Unpaywall, with some major differences. They search thousands of public repositories, and if the article is not in any of them they send a request to the author to make the paper publicly available with them. The more people try to find an article through them, the more requests an author gets. You can search for articles/papers directly from their page, or download their browser extension.

Library Genesis

Library Genesis is a database of over 2 million (yes, million) papers, articles, entire journals, and non-fiction books. They also have comics, fiction books, and books in many non-english languages.

Alternative links:

Citationsy Archives

Citationsy Archives lets you search for journal articles and papers, download them, and of course cite them in your Citationsy projects.
After entering a query it searches through all published papers in the world and shows you the matches. You can then click a result to see more details, and immediately cite it from there.
It will also let you download the paper through a couple different open access services, including sci-hub

Sign up here

Sci-Hub (link updated Mar 13, 2019)

Finally, there’s Sci-Hub. Science-Hub works in a completely different way than the other two: researchers, students, and other academics donate their institutional login to Sci-Hub, and when you search for a paper they download it through that account. After the articles has been downloaded they store a copy of it on their own servers. You can basically download 99% of all scientific articles and papers on Sci-Hub, but sci-hub is decidedly in the gray area legally. Just enter the DOI to download the papers you need for free from sci-hub.

In case that link to Sci-Hub doesn’t work, try these new Sci-Hub links:

New sci-hub Links 2019, May 13:

Update on the situation in France: Sci Hub has been blocked in France, but you can find unblocking instructions here:
sci hub hk


Kopernio is a free browser extension for Chrome, Firefox, and Opera that gives you one-click legal access to journal articles. It automatically searches your library journal subscriptions, open databases, PubMed and Google Scholar to find full-text PDFs.

And of course, you can use Citationsy to create citations for reference in your essay. It’s free!

For a purpose



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Who the HELL I am? (INTRO)

मैले गर्न सक्ने केहि चिजहरु:-
– भात खाने
– सुत्ने
– मुत्ने
– हग्ने
– टाउको कन्याउने
– पाद उदाउने,
– सास फेर्ने आदी।
मैले गर्न नसक्ने चिजहरु:-
– सिसाले ढुङ्गा फ़ुटाउने,
– कान्लामा मुटेर भेल बगाउने,
– बाघसंग सुत्ने,
– सोझो मान्छे देखे कलमले नाक भरी केर्दिने,
– बाङ्गो-फटाहा मान्छे पाए चारा(निधार)भारी थुक्दिने,
– करेण्टमा मुत्ने,
– कुकुर बिरालो देख्नासाथ ढुङ्गाले हान्ने,
– बिस्तारामै सिरक ओढेर भात खाने ……..